Thursday, April 28, 2011
Less than 24 hours to go!
Call me a nerd, royal watcher, whatever, but I've been excited for this wedding long before the couple were even engaged. My parents weren't even married yet when Charles and Diana got married. I can't wait to see what all goes into a royal wedding. Plus, I have actually been to London and have been inside Westminster Abbey. Its gorgeous and its unreal knowing that I've actually been there.
I think what is most amazing about this wedding is that is every little girls' dream, to one day marry a prince. Heck, I even grew up thinking that one day I will be marrying one of the princes (although I always preferred Harry). The long distance relationship thing didn't quite work out. But Kate Middleton seems to be the perfect girl (who isn't me) to do that. She's beautiful, fashionable, smart and seems to be into charity as much as William is.
I can't imagine what is going through Kate's head right now as she is only one sleep away from becoming a princess. I'm nervous for her! I'm sure everything will go swimmingly and she'll look as gorgeous as ever.
Of course, I'll be up early tomorrow to watch it on TV (damn you, Atlantic Ocean...why can't I live closer to London?). While watching the coverage, I'll be making British style scones from scratch to bring to work with me in honor of the wedding. I attempted to make clotted cream last night to put on the scones, but failed miserably. The recipe I followed said that you could use un-pasteurized or pasteurized cream, but not ultra-pasteurized cream which is how most creams in the US are made. I had a hard time finding pasteurized cream, but I eventually did at a local Whole Foods. However, its seems as if even pasteurized cream doesn't work well for making clotted cream as it didn't "clot" at all, but rather just created a burnt film. Hopefully, the scones turn out better, but I feel like its harder to mess those up. I'm still kinda disappointed. I loved the clotted cream that we had in London, and there's no where to purchase it pre-made in the US.
My prince and I at Buckingham Palace |
Our Royal Wedding |
Did you enjoy watching it? I didn't get up for it, but I have to admit, all weekend I've been reading the stories and looking at pictures! :) I've probably spent more time doing that than I would have just watching it all!
Your wedding picture is awesome. I love the blue in your dress!
How did your scones go?
Your wedding dress is the perfect mix of unusual and traditional. The location is beautiful, too, and (of course) you look stunning!
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