Waiting to Cycle

To be honest (and this makes me really sad), I have not ridden my bike since the New England Season Opener...almost two weeks ago! I have been out of town in Florida for most of the time, thus I have had zero access to my bike. I had planned to make up for it this morning by going for a 40ish mile bike ride this morning, but my brakes are rubbing against my front wheel. The good news is that the hubby is coming home over lunch to fix it, but the sad news is that its supposed to rain (again) this afternoon (praying it holds off) and its just that much longer I have to wait to ride. I miss riding so much. And I still haven't gotten to try out my new cycling kit. I really am a lame excuse for a cyclist. How ever will I be crit worthy? (Sorry, I've been reading Pride & Prejudice)

I participated in #bikeschool last night for the first time. It was so inspiring to hear from so many cyclists...or maybe it just made me miss my bike even more. I highly recommend it for cyclists of all levels. I did come to the realization that although triathlons are fairly evenly balanced between female and male participants, cycling is still fairly male dominated. I feel like with the growing popularity of triathlons that there would be some carry over to cycling, but I guess not. I'm still sad I wasn't able to participate in the BU cycling races this year (wasn't a full time student), but hopefully I'll be able to do some road races and such soon.

Fist Pump Friday:


Caratunk Girl said...

Hey, congrats on graduating!!

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